Yelena Valer'evna Moskovich
Moskovich is a young writer and theatre artist, educated in poetry under the Russian poet Irina Kant, in physical theatre at Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq (Paris 07-09) and playwriting at Emerson College (Boston 03-06). She is originally from the Ukraine (USSR), now American by nationality. Her dramatic repertoire includes 23 plays written in English, Russian, and French. Her plays have been produced in the US and Canada, as well as a stage-read in Paris. Her publications include: Kaktus Magazin #18 (Switzerland), THREAD Anthology, Львиные Песни (Liong Songs), Collision Literary Magazine, Hanging Loose Literary Journal, The Emerson Review, and Gangsters in Concrete. In 2003, she was awarded “The Claudia Ann Seaman Award for Young Writers” and “Blank Theatre Company Young Playwrights Award.” In 2006, she was granted “The Nicole DuFresne Playwright Scholarship.” She was most recently recognized for her new play, Entre Les Nuages et Mon Ombre (Between the Clouds and My Shadow) by the Concours D’Ecriture Dramatique Manufature des Abbesses. She currently resides and creates in Paris, France.